Monday, July 11, 2011


I met with Jaqueline* on a cozy restaurant from the Kerkstraat.  She comes from Perú and tells me about her experience:
“In Perú we can go to the Gynecologist that we choose.  Sometimes is the same Gynecologist that helped my mother to give birth.  Normally is somebody that we trust and have all our record from the first period.  At the moment that we need to choose a contraceptive method (birth control), he or she guides us on which one is the best.  We can choose condoms, IUD, contraceptive injection, anticonceptive pill, etc.
I chose one called IUS Mirena (spiraal Mirena of spiraaltje) which contains an hormone.  My Gynecologist told me that my periods will be shorter, lighter and pain-free.   I tried it and she was right.  I was so happy using it without any issues.  I even forgot that I had it.
I came to the Netherlands with my Dutch husband about five years ago.  After a few months on getting used to eat Gouda kaas (cheese from Gouda), Broodje Kroket (Bread with a kroket) and Karnemelk (buttermilk), I needed to go to the Gynecologist”.
We get our drinks and I somehow have the feeling that this is going to be another interesting story.  For the record: I hate Karnemelk.  How can the Dutch drink it?
“I needed to get an IUS (Mirena).  The “huisarts” (general doctor) asked me the reason why I wanted that.  He told me that in the Netherlands they recommended the use of a IUS to persons with the Down Syndrome.  Persons who could forget to take the anticonceptive pill.  He wanted me to take the pill.  As I have hormon problems I told him that I preferred to use an IUS.  I felt more confortable with it.  It didn’t give me any pain and I didn’t even notice I had one.  So as I was so determined to use it, he pointed me with the Gynecologist at the hospital.
I went to the appointment with my husband.  He was waiting for me outside.  The Gynecologist told me that I was going to feel some pain and it was not going to be comfortable.
As I was used to that in Perú it was just a little pain I didn’t give it a second thought.  I was laying with my legs open just waiting for him to put the device.  When he did, the pain was so much that I was shouting with all my heart!  He was moving the IUS from one side to the other and telling me:  ‘Just a little more, don’t worry’.  I was crying and shouting so much that my husband came into the room and asked what was going on.  As my husband came in, the Gynecologist finished and said:  ‘Everything is ok’.  I was shaking from head to feet.  My tears were rolling down my sheeks and I was shivering from the pain.  My husband had to carry me out all the way to the car.”
I was in shock when I’ve heard this.  Her husband had to carry her out?  Is that normal?  I’ve asked her if this kind of procedure needed anesthesia and she responded:
“No anesthesia at all!  And to be honest, it doesn’t suppose to be that painful.  I got home and my husband carried me to the bed as I was still sobbing from the pain.  For the next seven days I had menstrual cramps, was bleeding even more than in my normal period and was limping.  I’ve called them after a couple of weeks because I was bleeding so much.  I had aswell pain on my hips. 
The person that attended me by telephone told me that I needed to wait till I had my next appointment which was four weeks away. 
The date from the appointment arrived and another Gynecologyst attended me. He checked me and told me that at the moment that the IUS was inserted it made a little wound and was missplaced.  He said that he could remove it and put it again properly.”
At this point I had my hands in between my legs just thinking on how painful.  A wound?  Ouch!  I wouldn’t let him put it again!  I’ve  asked her if she had doubts about it and she responded:
“I did have doubts.  But he is a Gynecologyst.  I thought that he knew better than me.  So I trusted him.  He removed the IUS and immediately after he put a new one again.  And again I was shouting and crying from the pain.  He was telling me:  ‘I don’t know why this doesn’t work.  Maybe you are too streched for an European IUS. A small percentage of women cannot use it’. But why I didn’t have issues with it at Perú? I’ve asked him to remove it. I couldn’t handle it anymore.
And I was left again shivering,  with a lot of pain and tears.  He left me alone and it was so painful to put the underwear.  This time I was with my mother in law so my husband wasn’t there to carry me.  I was walking helping myself with the wall.  I had to take some Paracetamol for the pain”. 
The risk of not getting the IUS properly set up is that the person may get pregnant.  Another risk is that an operation may be needed for removal.  Jaqueline had to changed to the anticonceptive pill. Two months later she received two bills: From the two times that IUS got inserted and the two times it got removed.  Her insurance did not cover it.
I did some research and found hundreds of cases like this one in the Netherlands.  Below the links for your information.

*Jaqueline is a fictitious name.


Mirena hormoonspiraal: bijwerkingen

My Experience: Mirena IUD Birth Control


  1. My God...

    And yet, there are people that defend the medical system in here.

    Just speechless: that's why, when I go back to Spain, I try to do all my medical checks and similar (i.e. Dentist) over there...

    This system is sick: shame on them.

    Thank you for giving a voice to people like the one you talked about.


  2. me cag... en los calzones!!!! SOY YO
