Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Before my vacations

Dear all,

I really wanted to write one last story before my vacations but is impossible.  Too many little things to do in so short time.

I just wanted to let you know that this blog is an experiment.  I write much better in Spanish than in English and because of that I apoligize for my hundred of grammar mistakes.

The stories I wrote till now are all true.  I make interviews and after I write the stories.  When I finish to write a story I show it to the person that told me the story to ultimate details.  After that I have (since a short time) an editor who checks my grammar.  And then, the story is published.

Because I depend totally on your stories this blog is an experiment.  Some persons find it useful and some others find it stupid.  I don't mind.  I just wanted a space were we could communicate our frustrations because we are many frustrated persons regarding the Dutch healthcare system.

For now, I will leave the blog to rest.  Please feel free to show it to friends, family, etc.  and please, if you do have a story to share, send me an email and we can have an interview by telephone, skype or in person.

I will be on vacations from August 3rd till September 4th.  Will publish the next story on the week from September 5th till 11th.

Good vacations to everyone!  and don't get sick. 


Email:  paracetamolland@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. tu editor sea un English native speaker??? SOY YO!
